Lesley is the chivalrous sniper of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. She lived with her father in the Vance household because he works as the chief security of the noble family. One day, an unexpected attack from a rival family got her father killed. Lesley tearfully took her father’s rifle and successfully took down all of the assassins.

With much appreciation, the Vance family adopted Lesley and even made her the mentor of their son Harley. Harley was quite a menace who loves using his magical skills to cause trouble in the family.
Lesley found out later that her adopted brother Harley went on a quest to the perilous Land of Dawn. She can’t help but follow him to ensure his safety. The moment they met, she noticed that his once immature brother has improved a lot—perhaps because of the hardships he experienced along the way. She decided to continue training him in the Land of Dawn while she keeps her protected.
Lesley Overview
Lesley is one of those distinct heroes who can take the role of both a marksman and an assassin. She is feared for her early-game poking skill because of her damaging passive and stealth. Dying enemies hate her because they can’t escape her ultra-long-range ultimate skill. This certifies Lesley as one of the most lethal snipers of Mobile Legends.

This guide will be mostly referenced to best practices of the Global Top 1 Lesley player SunSky. His experience with this hero is undeniably exceptional. We will examine his best Lesley build and dissect his choice of emblem, spell and items to see how they blend well with Lesley’s native features and skills.
Basic Stats
HP | 2490 | Mana | 100 |
HP Regen | 7.2 | Mana Regen | 3 |
Physical ATK | 131 | Magic Power | 0 |
Physical DEF | 14 | Magic DEF | 15 |
Attack SPD | 1.04 | Movement SPD | 240 |
Attack SPD Ratio | 100% |

Every successful hit of her Basic Attack restores 5 points of her energy. In every 5 seconds that she doesn’t receive any damage, Lesley’s range widens and her Critical Chance increases to 50%. Her Basic Attack spikes up to 1.2 times damage. Lesley’s improved basic attack has double the amount of energy restored. When the Lethal Shot is used on minions, the damage will have a 20% increase.

Lesley shifts to stealth mode gaining 40% Movement Speed and twice the energy restoration. She also gets 75 Physical Attack within 3 seconds.
The enemies will still have a faint view of Lesley in her stealth mode as if she’s in a transparent fluid mode. This mode will end as soon as she receives or deals damage.

Throwing this grenade forms an explosion that is fan-shaped and will knock Lesley’s enemies back as she hops backward. This can deal 150 + 50% Total Physical Attack Damage.
If Lesley is on Ultimate Snipe when using this skill, it will release a fatal bullet if she has not finished firing them all to her target.

Lesley locks her target with her scope and shoots four Lethal Bullets consecutively. Each bullet can deal 200 + 80% Total Physical Attack damage plus 5% of her target’s lost HP. Lesley restores 10 energy per hit. The target’s allies can block the Lethal Bullets. This ultimate skill can be stopped by Lesley abruptly and part of the skill cooldown will be regained.
Best Lesley Build

Lesley Emblem Set
Custom Marsksman Emblem set

Bravery – Physical Attack +12.00
Agility – Movement Speed + 6.00
Weapon Master – Physical Attack gained from Equipment and Emblems is increased by 15%
Battle Spell

In spite of having two escape skills already, getting Flicker will significantly improve her survival rate. Since she uses her stealth mode a lot to boost her damage, it may not be handy with a Melee jumps right into you. Using her second skill plus Flicker will give her a significant distance from her predator, allowing her to escape.

It may be rare for her to use this spell considering that she’s not purely an assassin. The good news is that she can freely switch to the core player role in cases where no one wants to take it.

This is a good alternative to Flicker because it has a shorter cooldown and it provides slow immunity as well. This is also good to use when chasing a dying target.
Lesley Gameplay
Skill Upgrade Priority
First Priority – First Skill: Master of Camouflage
Main Priority – Ultimate Skill: Ultimate Snipe
Least Priority – Second Skill: Tactical Grenade

Lesley Combo
First Combo:
First Skill + Basic Attack
This will most likely be your most used combo to poke your enemies at the start of the game.
Second Combo:
Wait for Passive (Fatal Shot) + Basic Attack + First Skill + Basic Attack
This combo allows you to deal with two Fatal Shots because using a skill instantly reactivates Fatal Shot. This combo may not work if your target knows how to keep its distance from you.
Third Combo:
First Skill + Basic Attack x N + Ultimate Skill
This last combo is practically using your Skill 1 + Basic Attack to continuously attack your enemies during clashes then using your ultimate skill when a dying enemy tries to escape.
Fighting Strategy
Early game harassment. Lesley is a dreadful enemy to face at the start of the game because of her first skill and range. Spam your First Skill + Basic Attack combo to your enemy until it’s forced to go back home to heal. Take advantage of the time to kill the crab and clear the minion wave while your enemy is gone.
Optimize the ultimate. As a squishy marksman, Lesley can’t afford to freely roam around because the threat of ambush could be just around the corner. Her ultimate skill is not just for finishing off dying enemies but its scope can actually detect enemies hiding in the bushes. If the opposing team’s lineup has fast-escaping heroes, try to save your ultimate to secure your kill for them. The ultimate snipe will keep hitting heroes like Fanny, Ling and Johnson even if they’re very far off the map already.
Hero Focus
Don’t lose focus on your item build. Even the game itself is saying that “marksman heroes” should go to the gold lane because they’re reliant on items. Help your team at every opportunity possible but don’t lose your focus on completing your item build. You can kill squishy heroes with just 2-3 shots once you have all of your items in place.
Survival. Take advantage of Lesley’s long-range to put her at a safe distance during a team clash. Make sure that you’re outside the range of the mages when they cast their spells on your team. If there’s a Helcurt in the enemy’s lineup, make sure to use your first skill the moment Helcurt uses his ultimate because he is more likely to target squishy marksman heroes first.

Do you think that there’s an important tip that wasn’t mentioned in this guide? Please let us know in the comments section below.
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