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Mobile Legends: Bang Bang – Gameplay, Guide & Tips

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Moonton. It was released on July 14, 2016 and has since gained a massive following, particularly in Southeast Asia. The game is available on both iOS and Android platforms, making it easily accessible to a wide range of players.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Feature Image
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Mobile Legends has a thriving eSports scene, with professional teams and tournaments around the world. It has become a popular choice for competitive gaming due to its accessible gameplay and growing community. The game regularly receives updates and new hero releases, ensuring a fresh and engaging experience for its players.

Furthermore, Mobile Legends fosters a vibrant online community where players can connect, discuss strategies, and share gameplay experiences. The game also offers social features, such as in-game chat, friend lists, and team formation, enabling players to team up with friends or meet new allies.

Mobile Legends has gained immense popularity, particularly in Southeast Asia, where it has become a cultural phenomenon. Its mobile-friendly design, intuitive controls, and fast-paced battles have contributed to its widespread appeal among both casual and hardcore gamers.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Gameplay

In Mobile Legends, players are divided into two teams of five and compete against each other on a virtual battlefield. The goal is to destroy the enemy team’s base while defending your own. Each player controls a unique hero with distinct abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Cooperation and strategic decision-making are crucial to achieve victory.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang game on android phone
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Gameplay

The game offers a variety of different modes, including Classic, Ranked, Brawl, and Custom. Classic mode is the standard mode where players battle against each other to destroy the enemy’s base. Ranked mode allows players to compete in a more competitive environment, aiming to climb the ladder and increase their rank. Brawl mode offers quick and intense matches with random heroes and different gameplay rules. Custom mode allows players to create their own matches with friends and experiment with various settings.

To enhance their heroes’ abilities, players can acquire and upgrade items during matches. These items can boost attributes such as attack power, defense, and speed, giving players a strategic edge. Additionally, players can unlock new heroes by earning in-game currency or purchasing them with real money.


Classic. The classic mode is the standard 5-vs-5 mode where two teams battle against each other to destroy the enemy’s base.

Ranked. In ranked mode, players compete in a more competitive environment, aiming to increase their rank and climb the ladder. It follows the same 5-vs-5 format as the classic mode but with a matchmaking system that takes into account players’ skill levels.

Brawl. Brawl mode features a more casual and fast-paced gameplay experience. It typically consists of 5-vs-5 matches with a unique set of rules or modifiers, making it different from the standard gameplay.

Different options to play MLBB
Game modes

Custom. Custom mode allows players to create their own matches and invite friends or other players to join. This mode offers flexibility in terms of team compositions, game duration, and various other settings.

vs. AI. In this mode, players can observe or participate in matches where AI-controlled heroes battle against each other. It serves as a way to practice or simply watch how different heroes and strategies interact.

Offline. This is a recently added mode that allows players to enjoy the game even without an internet connection. In the offline mode, you will be teamed up with bots and play against a bot team as well. This is a good way to continue practicing your favorite heroes when there’s no internet connection available.

Hero Roles

Tank – Tanks are the frontline heroes of the team. They have high health points and defense, and they are responsible for absorbing damage and protecting their teammates. Tanks are usually played in the top lane or the roam position. Tanks are the most important heroes in the team. They are the ones who will absorb the most damage and protect their teammates. Tanks should be played by players who are patient and have good positioning skills.

Varying heroes and roles
Example heroes

Fighter – Fighters are a versatile type of hero that can be played in a variety of roles. They are usually tanky and have high damage output, making them good at both initiating fights and finishing off enemies. Fighters are usually played in the top lane or the jungle position. Fighters are a good choice for players who want to play a more aggressive role. They can be played in a variety of positions, so they are a good choice for players who are still learning the game.

Support – Supports are the utility heroes of the team. They have skills that can buff their teammates or debuff their enemies. Supports are usually played in the roam position or the bottom lane. Supports are a good choice for players who want to help their teammates. They have skills that can buff their teammates or debuff their enemies. Supports should be played by players who are good at communicating with their teammates and who are willing to sacrifice their own stats for the good of the team.

High Damage Heroes

Assassin – Assassins are the damage-dealing heroes of the team. They have high burst damage and mobility, making them good at picking off enemy heroes. Assassins are usually played in the jungle position. Assassins are a high-risk, high-reward type of hero. They can be very powerful if played correctly, but they are also very squishy. Assassins should be played by players who are confident in their skills and who are willing to take risks.

Mage – Mages are the magic damage-dealing heroes of the team. They have long-range skills and high damage output, making them good at poking and bursting down enemies. Mages are usually played in the mid lane or the roam position. Mages are a good choice for players who want to deal a lot of damage. They have long-range skills that can be used to poke and burst down enemies. Positioning and timing are critical in this role.

Marksman – Marksmen are the ranged damage-dealing heroes of the team. They have high attack damage and range, making them good at dealing sustained damage to enemies. Marksmen are a good choice for players who want to play a more passive role. They can deal a lot of damage from a safe distance, but they are also very squishy. Marksmen should be played by players who have good map awareness and who are able to position themselves safely.

Ranks in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Warrior -This is the starting rank for new players. Players in this rank are still learning the basics of the game.

Elite – Players here have started to grasp the fundamentals. Elite rank is where you can begin to form strategies and improve your gameplay.

Warrior, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legend and Mythic
Mobile Legends Ranks

Master – In the Master rank, players have a better understanding of the game. Team coordination and map awareness become more important.

Grandmaster – Grandmaster players are more experienced and skilled. They often have a good grasp of hero abilities and roles.

Epic – This is where the competition gets tougher. Epic rank players usually have a strong understanding of team composition and strategy.

Legend – Players in the Legend rank are considered very skilled. It requires a lot of effort and teamwork to reach this level.

Mythic – Mythic is one of the highest ranks in the game. Players here are among the best and most dedicated Mobile Legends players. Mythic players also have access to a sub-ranking system known as Mythic Points.

Mythical Honor – This is the next sub-rank of Mythic. To reach Mythical Honor, players must earn a total of 25 stars.

Mythical Glory – This is the next sub-rank after Mythical Honor. To reach Mythical Glory, players must earn a total of 50 stars.

Mythical Immortal – This is the next sub-rank after Mythical Glory. To reach Mythical Immortal, players must earn a total of 100 stars.

Main Menu

Home – This is the main screen of the game. You can access the Shop, Hero List, Events, and other features from here.
Battle – This is where you can queue for a match. You can choose from Classic, Ranked, Brawl, vs. AI, Custom, or Arcade mode.
Profile – This is where you can view your profile information, such as your rank, win rate, and hero mastery.
Friend – This is where you can add friends, view your friend list, and chat with your friends.
– This is where you can adjust your settings, such as your language, graphics, and sound.
Leaderboards – This displays online rankings of the top-performing players in the game. It tracks various statistics such as player rankings, win rates, and other performance metrics.


Battle Setup – This menu allows you to customize your hero’s settings, such as their skills, emblem, and battle spell. In the Battle Setup menu, you can choose your hero’s skills, emblem, and battle spell. You can also customize their talent tree and activate the Custom Skill Layout.

Battle Setup
Preparation section

Emblems – This menu allows you to select an emblem for your hero. Emblems provide your hero with additional stats and abilities. There are 5 types of emblems in Mobile Legends: Tank, Fighter, Assassin, Mage, and Support. Each emblem type has its own unique set of stats and abilities. You can unlock new emblems by leveling up your account or by purchasing them with Diamonds.

Battle Spells – This menu allows you to select a battle spell for your hero. Battle spells are powerful abilities that can be used in battle. There are 12 battle spells in Mobile Legends. Each battle spell has its own unique ability. You can unlock each one as you level up in the game.

Equipment – This menu allows you to purchase equipment for your hero. The equipment provides your hero with additional stats and abilities. You can purchase the items with Gold.

Aesthetics & Messaging

Effects – This menu allows you to customize the visual effects of your hero’s spawn, recall, elimination and trail. It also lets you customize the notification style. There are a variety of visual effects that you can use to customize them. Most of these effects can be unlocked during events or be bought with diamonds or starlight fragments.

Skin Paint – This menu allows you to add a design behind your hero’s skin. There are a variety of designs that you can get for your hero. These are unlocked during game events.

Quick Chat – This menu allows you to send pre-recorded messages to your teammates. There are a variety of pre-recorded messages that you can send to your teammates. These messages can be used to communicate important information, such as “Retreat!” or “Attack!”

Tutorial – This menu allows you to learn the basics of the game. The Tutorial teaches you the basics of the game, such as how to control your hero, use skills, and purchase items.

Skill Layout – This menu allows you to customize the layout of your hero’s skills. Use this if you want to swap the position of the skills of your favorite heroes.


Game store to buy diamonds, heroes, skins and more.
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Shop

Hero – This is where you can buy heroes. You can buy heroes with Diamonds or Battle Points.
Skin – This is where you can buy skins for your heroes. Skins can change the appearance of your hero, as well as their skills and voice effects.
Equipment – This is where you can buy equipment for your heroes. Equipment can improve your hero’s stats and abilities.
Fragment – This is where you can use the fragments you earned to buy Premium Skins, Rare Skins and limited Heroes.


Basic – This is where you can view your basic profile information, such as your name, level, and rank.
Statistics – This is where you can view your match statistics, such as your win rate, KDA ratio, and most played heroes.
History – This is where you can view the detailed report of your recent matches.
Settings – This is where you can adjust your profile settings, such as your avatar, avatar border, name color, medal list and more.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Competitions

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang World Championship (M1 to M5) – This is the annual world championship for Mobile Legends. It is the most prestigious tournament in the Mobile Legends esports scene.

Echo - M4 Champion of Mobile Legends
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang World Championship

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Southeast Asia Cup (MSC) – This is a regional tournament for Southeast Asia. It is one of the most popular tournaments in the Mobile Legends esports scene.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Professional League (MPL) – This is a regional league for several countries. It is the highest level of competition in each region.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Development League (MDL) – This is a developmental league for newer players. It is a stepping stone for players who want to compete in the MPL.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang World Arena Invitational – This is a one-off tournament that features teams from all over the world. It is not as prestigious as the M1 to M5, but it is still a major tournament.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Campus League – This is a tournament for college students. It is a way for college students to compete in Mobile Legends and to represent their schools.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Tips

Master the Basics. Learn the controls, including moving your hero, basic attacks, and using skills. Practice in the tutorial mode if you’re new.

Choose Your Hero Wisely. Understand your hero’s strengths and weaknesses. Each hero has a unique playstyle, so pick one that suits your preferred role (tank, marksman, mage, support, or assassin).

Map Awareness. Keep an eye on the minimap to track your teammates and enemies. This helps you make informed decisions, such as when to retreat or engage in team fights.

Mobile Legends gameplay example
Example clash in the game

Farm Efficiently. Farming is crucial to gain gold and experience. Last-hit minions and jungle monsters to maximize your income.

Team Communication. Coordinate with your teammates using the in-game chat or quick chat options. Communication is key to winning matches.

Positioning. Stay in the right position during team fights. Tanks should be in the front, while damage dealers should stay behind and avoid being caught out of position.

Itemization. Build items that complement your hero’s abilities and role. Adjust your item build based on the situation and your team’s needs.

Practice Last-Hitting. Master the art of last-hitting to maximize gold income. This is especially important for marksmen and carries.

Teamwork Wins Games. Mobile Legends is a team game. Work together with your teammates, and don’t go solo. Plan strategies, initiate ganks, and protect each other.

Watch Your Map and Minimap. Constantly check the map for enemy positions, missing heroes, and potential objectives. The minimap is your best friend.

Stay Positive. Keep a positive attitude, even if the game isn’t going well. Toxic behavior can negatively impact your team’s performance.

Remember that Mobile Legends is a game meant for fun, so enjoy the experience and focus on improving your skills. With practice and teamwork, you can become a better player and climb the ranks.

Playing Etiquette

Be respectful to your teammates. This means not flaming them, blaming them for mistakes, or making fun of them. Even if you disagree with their play, it’s important to be polite and constructive.

Communicate effectively. Use the chat function to let your teammates know what you’re doing and what you need. This will help you coordinate your attacks and defenses.

Three friends playing Mobile Legends
Have fun playing it with your friends!

Play your role. If you’re playing a tank, focus on protecting your teammates. When playing a marksman, focus on dealing damage. If you’re playing a support hero, focus on helping your teammates.

Don’t feed. Feeding means dying repeatedly to the enemy team. This gives them gold and experience, which makes them stronger. Avoid feeding by playing safe and avoiding unnecessary fights.

Don’t AFK. AFK stands for “away from keyboard.” It means leaving the game for an extended period of time. This is very frustrating for your teammates and can lead to a loss. If you have to leave the game, let your teammates know and try to come back as soon as possible.

Use the mute button. If someone is being toxic, you can mute them so that you don’t have to see their messages.

Report players who are breaking the rules. If you see someone AFKing, feeding, or being toxic, you can report them to Moonton. This will help to keep the game fair and enjoyable for everyone.

Be a good sport. Even if you lose, be gracious in defeat. Don’t rage quit or spam the chat with negative messages.

Have fun! Mobile Legends is a game, so it’s important to enjoy yourself. If you’re not having fun, it’s not worth playing.

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