Tasks, Sabotage, Door and Vent are some basics that you need to be familiar with when playing Among Us. This guide will help you learn how to properly do each task, fix sabotages, vent properly and close the doors. This also includes some tips on when to execute them wisely.

The tasks are categorized into three types: Common Tasks, Short Tasks and Long Tasks. The number of tasks per crewmate can be configured by the creator before the game starts. Being efficient in completing the tasks plays a big factor in winning the game. Practicing the tasks in PRACTICE mode will help you do things faster in the live game. Your efficient actions can spare you from getting targeted by the impostor.
The Skeld Map Tasks
Common Tasks
Swipe Admin Card

Sometimes, the best way to speed up is to slow down. Rushing to swipe the card very quickly will only result in an error no matter how many times you do it. The swipe speed should be 1.5 seconds only. Don’t do it in milliseconds.
Dispose of Garbage

Simply hold down the handle long enough until the bin is empty. Hint: The garbage bin at the bottom of the map can help prove that you’re not an impostor. It displays the falling trash to other players which proves that you’re legitimately doing tasks. Reserve this as your last task so you can use it in case you get wrongly suspected.
Fix Wiring

If you’re using a mobile phone to play this game, I find it more efficient for your index finger to direct the wire connections. I tried using my thumb before because it’s more convenient but I really can’t do it fast enough compared to letting go of the phone with my right hand and doing the task with my index finger.
Clean O2 Filter

In this task, you just need to drag 6 leaves into the vacuum hole.
Chart Course

This is a simple task of dragging the spaceship icon into the four broken lines.
Empty Chute

This is exactly the same as disposing of the garbage but this is located in the O2 area.
Fuel Engines

It’s a single-button task but you need to press and hold it for about 4 seconds in order to finish it.
Short Tasks
Clean Vent

Simply click the three dirt inside the vent and you’re done.
Prime Shields

It’s as easy as clicking 2-3 red parts of a turtle shell.
Divert Power

This is a simple task of moving a single bar for power diversion.
Accept Diverted Power

Click the vacuum diode at the center. That’s it!
Stabilize Steering

Click the crosshair. No more, no less.
Align Engine Output

You need to align the markers of the engine straight based on the broken line indicator.
Inspect Sample

This is a simple task that requires two clicks only. The first one is to start the inspection. You can do other things after you start it. Once it’s done, the second click required is to select the anomaly. That is the test tube with a pink liquid. Both are quick and easy.
Long Tasks
Unlock Manifolds

This is like unlocking your phone with a 10-digit passcode. It’s a jumbled 1-10 number that you just need to press in the proper order to complete.
Submit Scan

This is an easy one-click task but it takes 10 seconds to complete. Since its process is visually available to everyone, you can also use this to prove that you’re not an impostor. Make sure to reserve it in case you get incorrectly suspected.
Download Data

Like the Medbay Scan, it’s an easy one-click task but you’ll have to wait 10 seconds for it to finish before you can move on to the next task. This is the same as Upload Data.
Clear Asteroids

This could be the second-longest task since you need to clear out 20 asteroids. This task is more forgiving because, unlike other tasks, if you make a mistake here, you don’t have to redo the task all over again.
Calibrate Distributor

Your eyes and fingers need to be fast enough to perfectly time the turning circles in order to calibrate the distributor. The technique I’m using is to press the button when it’s about 1/8 to reach it. By the time I pressed the button, the rotating bar is in the exact place needed. You’ll end up in a trial and error at first but once you learn it, it will be quicker to finish this task.
Start Reactor

This is the longest task in the game. No matter how fast your fingers are, you’ll have to wait for the blinking blue boxes to show up and memorize them. This long task becomes even longer if you make a single mistake. Try to work on this task where there are several crewmates around you.
Sabotage is one of the means that could help the impostor win the game. There are four types of sabotages in The Skeld map that we will cover. This section will guide you on how to fix a sabotage and if you’re an impostor, you’ll learn when and how to properly use it.

When the reactor is sabotaged, two crewmates are required to fix it. Simply press and hold down the hand biometric in the Reactor room. One crewmate should do it in the upper part and another one in the lower part of the room to accomplish this.

When the O2 is sabotaged, simply input the 5-digit code listed on the Post-it and it should fix it.

There are 5 switches in the electrical circuit and you just need to turn on those which were turned off. That should fix it.

The flow of the communications wave on the right should match what’s on the left. You need to keep turning the knob until both of them look the same to fix it.
When you’re an impostor, make sure that you’re sabotaging with a plan. Aside from delaying the completion of the tasks, use it to distract the crewmates after eliminating one of them. Since you can sabotage those four anywhere on the map, sabotage a system that is farthest from the eliminated crewmate so it would take time for them to find out.
Impostors can close the doors of a room the way they sabotage. Its time limit is 10 seconds only. As a crewmate, there’s nothing you can do to open the doors. As an impostor, it’s best to close the doors at a time when you’re trying to prevent the crewmates to see who you eliminated.

The vent allows an impostor to sneak into another room to quickly escape a crime scene. The only other player who can use the vent is the engineer. To use the vent, stand on top of it and then press the vent icon on the right of the screen. Some arrows will appear after you get inside the vent. You can select one of the arrows to transfer to another room with a vent. To get out of the vent, just click the vent icon again.

You need to weigh its benefits and consequences. The risk of using the vent is that someone could be about to enter a room where you’ll vent. You’ll be immediately tagged an impostor when you’re seen. A crewmate might also be at the security camera and sees how you suspiciously moved from one room to another.
Minimize the use of vents as much as possible because it’s almost viewed as equivalent to a crime. Even if you made the “Engineer” alibi, the players would still be suspicious of you.